Designed to rotate 180° compared to the 360° operation of a conventional motor, the action of the 'Reversing' motor reduces the travel of the wiper linkage and releases space in the plenum area. Electronic control of the wiper motor offers new features such as 'Special Park', automatic wiping angle control, speed control, obstacle detection.

- Reduced space occupancy in the plenum area
- Reduced weight of the motor
- Reduced size of the motor
- Only 3 wires to the motor (plus, minus and LIN)
- 'Special Park' - automatic electronic control actuates this mode when the wipers are not in use
- Enhanced car styling
- Wipe angle correction - automatically delivers optimal wiping performance irrespective of windshield conditions (dry, damp, etc.)
- Electronic speed control - reduced noise at blade reversal points
- Obstacle detection - motor automatically compensates for windshield obstructions, such as snow block, and recalculates the appropriate wipe angle, limiting potential damage to the motor

- Optimal wiping performance - in all windshield and weather conditions
- Improved visibility - 'Special Park' mode is less obstrusive and improves driver forward vision
- Improved pedestrian protection - 'Special Park' mode improves protection of the pedestrian
- Enhanced driver comfort - reduced noise from wiper operation
- Vehicle design freedom - space occupancy in plenum area significantly reduced
- Wiper arm/blade protection - from potential sources of damage e.g. snow block.
- Easy blade replacement -'service' position facilitates blade replacement

several patents applied and/or issued (CZ/EU/US)

©2002-2005 IQI s.r.o.